Monday, February 18, 2019

Now it is possible to restore lost memory due to depression and aging.

Now it is possible to restore lost memory due to depression and aging.

The Center's Drug-Based and Mental Health Scientists, in a journal published in the mechanical neuroscience journal, revealed the discovery of a new prescription mechanical.
Scientists have succeeded in inventing a mechanical backdrop that reminds memory of missing losing patients due to depression and over age.
This therapeutic masculine not only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but it is also capable of repairing the brain tilt.
The head of the research said that due to depression or aging, due to detection of memory, there was no use for remedial remedies. However, recent research has shown solid hope in remedies of memory detection. Geba neuro transmitters are responsible for detecting memory-breaking missiles in brain cells.
The new mechanic prevents not only the gene neuro transmitter recycled and breaks the brain cells, but also plays a role in rebuilding brain cells, which can restore memory. The possibility of coming back to the memory of the cells is bright.

Scientists say that after a few important steps, it will be available in the market until 2022 or 2023, and will succeed in obtaining a revolutionary position in mental illness.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Take care of your children's health

Take care of your children's health

Health is a blessing and nutritional food and exercise are essential to stay healthy.

Assume that there are varieties of varieties on a dishonor. If the dishes, chicken, mint or beef filled with rocks, pizza or burgers, the heart will reveal. On the other side there is a crocodile on which only vegetables, pulses, will reduce the risk.

Health is a blessing and nutritional food and exercise are essential to stay healthy. It does not mean that nutritious foods and peppers and pepper masks are eaten dishes and gours, but are clean and simple foods prepared according to the principles of balanced and hygiene. Who does not know that more oil and pepper are spicy for spinal health, and so much use of zinc food is also very dangerous for health. Medical experts and researchers have been alerting people in this regard, and various reports we read and listen about the dangerous diseases arising out of them.

Junk food includes more greasy and sweet food products, such as chips, pops, burgers, french fries and toffee, chewing gum, chocolate, ice cream can also be harmful to our health.

Medical researchers say that due to zinc food, various mental and physical diseases, including obesity, heart diseases, are spreading rapidly, and the need to awareness and consciousness has increased many times earlier. In addition, people need to be prepared to use clean and nutritious food. In this context, children and youth must approach the use of energy-efficient and balanced diet, but it is found that parents are accustomed to healthy and spicy foods and fast foods, which causes diseases in the body. And other problems are causing.

It is said that children who get adolescent from their early age become strong, a mother should give healthier food to her child and she does not allow her to be zinc food in lesser temperatures. If the mothers take a little time and take time to prepare for their children's food, their children can avoid chips, paperboons, toffee etc. and can be protected from many diseases.

It is not so easy for children who go to school to avoid the use of zinc food and non-food items, which is the cause of the environment, such as schoolchildren where there is no permission for zinc food, but no such thing as toffee, bubble gum No restriction However, some rules can be made under which children can be protected from the use of zinc food.

* Obtain all school parents to make their children as a home lunch and do not keep them in the lunch box out of the box.

* Parents should not be punished for children in a home lunch and no discount will be lost. At the time of admission, the parents should be informed that hardship prevents in school.

* Everybody wants a heartbeat to eat chutter and delicious things. That is why you can make children even in French fries, burgers and various things, but do not give fried items to everyday children, but set them for a day.

* Understand the damages of zinc foods to your children. These work can also be done by school teachers, and this can be taken classes after two months, two months. During this time, be informed of children with untouchable and fried items or zinc foods and how their life can be affected by their use.

* Parents can open their children at once, such as ice cream, burgers or pizza from a standard place in two months. Similarly, other canned items can also be given, but it will have moderation emphasis and other caution will also be required. Just as nothing can be purchased from the shuttle and the local brand, but a well-known and standard company manufactured product can be purchased.

 It is a social media era, and therefore, the tendency of children is also high, social media can be used to inform the children's loss of zinc foods, children can show videos such as zinc food Damages when fruit and vegetable utility are clear on them.

Encouraging non-standard products or fried foods out of the children in the diet, it is important to tell them how healthy, simple and home-made foods are better than junk food and out-of-foods. . If the children ask for fast food, feed burgers, potato chips, and noodles in the house and prepare them for themselves. Also, use vegetable and fruit and apply it to the children.

Monday, February 11, 2019

How much gold should it be for a healthy life?

How much gold should it be for a healthy life?

Occasionally there is only one hour difference between a successful or failure day. Working an extra hour, doing work, or hours of work can bring a big difference in your life and the way you work.

It is almost all we have done all the time by going to the gym by going to the gym and doing long-term office or lying down on the bed, the episode of the episode, constantly watching its favorite show.
Usually we keep sleeping on time in different ways. However, if you want to be healthy then you have to take time to sleep. Because if you only succeed in sleeping more than an hour, not only will you feel better, but also you can do better and work well, but experts have warned that the extra hour's sleep is just the beginning. The actual benefits of sleep can be taken by setting the appropriate times and by doing them.

What are the benefits of sleeping?

According to experts, gold and silver have different and unusual benefits. Says Richmond Salis, a professor of American John Hopkins University and low-vision and psychotherapy expert: 'You will feel better, you will be more exhausted, your thoughts will be better, in your team or institution Better will be able to perform duties. '

He had to say more, 'Your mind will be better and you will have more reasons for giving new ideas during work and more part of it. In addition, good sleep also affects your appearance because your low weight will increase due to low sleep, you will be tired and you will also get rings under your eyes.
In 2013, the BBC conducted an experiment with the University of Surrey's Slip Research Center, which revealed that extra hours sleeping people work better during computer tests.

According to the research conducted in the US last year, students sleeping eight hours demonstrated better performance in the exams. While the research conducted in the University of Michigan proved that due to low vision, various fields like kitchen and surgery have the ability to work and the ability to work. Another research proves that sleeping less than six hours for two nights can slow you up to the next six days.
After observing 40000 people in Sweden for 13 years, research has been published this year, compared to people with higher sleep, mortality rates were higher, especially those in the age of 65 years. Was more

You think sleeping for six hours at night that you need so much sleep, but it is a big mistake to think like experts. Professor Salis says that sometimes old bad habits in people cause many problems related to them.

Most of the headaches due to lower sleep include weight gain, half head pain, and persistent fatigue. In addition, there is a problem like sleeping work, despite sloppy breathing and obstructing breathing breath and professor Salis, 'Micro Slip' - even though eyes open for some scandals in the day.
What is excessive hours of sleep or sleeping times, what is better? According to Professor Salis, both things are necessary. Root Gorgber, Associate Professor of the Psychology in the Macleach University of Montreal, Montreal, McGeil, says that there is no special hour for hours of sleep, but there is a way to use every person to determine the need for the best sleep. can do.

If you're on holiday or do not have any special work on the next day, go without sleeping at a reasonable time and get yourself naturally on the next day. Every hour you have slept, you will have to spend the same sleep every night. You need so many hours for the best sleep.

Professor Gorkhar says, "Once you decide these hours, then stay tuned on it every time." Do everything according to that you can sleep on time and keep on staying at the time you were physically awake.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Mother's milk increases childbirth of prematurely-borne children

Mother's milk increases childbirth of prematurely-borne children

London: Although mothers often feed their children in Pakistan, it is weak in Western countries. Now it is found that if children are born before time, their minds and lungs do not become completely. If the mothers feed their milk then the loss may be a problem, that the child's mental development is rapidly.

We know that the children who are born in the seventh or 8th month do not have their mind fully developed, and it also affects their mental performance in the next life. At this point, mothers should have their child regularly breastfeeded, which increases the mental development.
In this case, University of Edinburgh has a mental scan of 47 children who were born in 33 weeks. Meanwhile, formula milk or mother milk given to the children was also reviewed. The amazing results of this research survey came out.

Experts noted that when the mothers gave milk to the time before their birth, their brain grew rapidly compared to other children, which was largely addressed by the children's mental weaknesses. . After three weeks, when the MRI and other children of these children were taken, they found that the mother's milk proved useful for her development and she had great effects.
This important survey also showed how the food given in the early life of the children affects their mental development. Thus, another great utility of mother's milk has emerged. Experts have said that if the mothers want better children for their children, then they must feed them.

Mother's milk provided by the power not only increases the brain's brain but also protects them from many diseases and infections. Another interesting research has shown that breastfeeding mothers themselves are protected from many diseases, including many psychological illnesses.